[Fot] TR3A #116
tr4racing at googlemail.com
tr4racing at googlemail.com
Sun Mar 21 13:45:07 MDT 2021
Tough as Steel!
Von: Fot <fot-bounces at autox.team.net> Im Auftrag von John H. Hasty via Fot
Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. März 2021 18:52
An: fot at autox.team.net
Betreff: [Fot] TR3A #116
I am sad to report that my Yellow TR3A was completely destroyed at Charlotte
Motor Speedway yesterday when I hit the inside retaining wall on the back
straight at 110 mph. Fortunately I hit rear end first and was not injured.
It occurred when I was passing a Miata about half way down the NASCAR back
straight at 110 MPH. I was passing him in the middle of the three lanes
when he moved up into the middle lane to block me causing me to avoid him by
moving to the outside of the three lanes. The Miata driver claims I came
down on him, I am certain I did not, and those who witnessed the crash agree
with me, but so be it. I am now in the market for another 3 or 4. If any
of you know of a potential car, please let me know. Cheers!
John H. Hasty
Attorney at Law
Mullen Holland & Cooper P.A.
301 S. York St.,
P.O. Box 488
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704.864.6751 (p) 704.861.8394 (f)
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