Henry Giffin hankgiffin at cox.net
Sat Oct 24 17:44:10 MDT 2020

FOTs - I'd appreciate some advice on how to sell the former Abacus TR3
roller I previously advertised here.  The car is solid with no rust, needs
an engine and possibly an overdrive gearbox (I have a non-overdrive unit),
and the paint is pretty nice (BRG).

     The unassembled engine I had has been sold.  I also have a very nice
frame which has been sandblasted and painted.

     I'd appreciate your advice on what sites or other ideas on how to sell
this car.  I changed my plans and don't need it anymore.  It was very
successful when raced by Abacus.  I'd like to see it get back on the track.

     I'm asking $4500 - is this unreasonable?

     I hope to see some of you at Road Atlanta (VDCA) and Summit Point (VRG)
in Nov and Roebling Road (VDCA) in Dec.

     Take care, Hank


Hank Giffin



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