[Fot] Six head gasket?

Bob Kramer rkramer56 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 06:47:14 MST 2020

I think Wurth products are sold to direct to the industry channel by route
jobbers.  I used to get a buddy that  owned a paint shop to buy some
product for me.

Bob Kramer

On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 7:25 AM Scott Janzen via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>

> interesting. A google search indicates this is available in Europe, but
> not sold directly in the US.  As such, it’s pretty expensive here.
> Scott
> On Mar 4, 2020, at 5:59 AM, Enquiries Road & Track via Fot <
> fot at autox.team.net> wrote:
> like most racers, ive had my fair share of leaking triumph heads and have
> tried copper rings, fancy gaskets, plain gaskets, magic goo  etc etc.,
> with none of them  totally fixing it
> unless the crankcase breather blocked,  they never really leaked badly
> there when new (some weeped),  so its mostly a result of all the stuff we
> do to them to make them go faster.  certainly. facing 2-3mm off the head
> does not help, as the edge gets very thin and the clamp force over by the
> pushrods is not great on any of them, so its no wonder they leak at worst
> and weep at best  . Ive concluded crankcase pressure build up is a big
> issue to be solved as others have discussed
> long ago, i changed to using  multiple vents/breathers but the biggest
> improvement was using WURT 250 sealant  on every joint , and my last race
> 2.5 is totally leak free, ie zero, not even a stain. BUT, no paper gaskets!!
> my  "secret' is to follow WURT instructions and lay a tiny round bead on
> the block edge near the pushrods and let it 'skin'...about 10-15 minutes
> before fitting the head (just enough time for a cuppa). Do not finger it
> and try to smooth it out.  By all means , fit the head with whatever
> "quality" gasket that your heart desires. For what its worth , i use a
> copper gasket and just re-anneal it every time. ive never found any spray
> or brush on sealant really works (or is needed) on a conventional head
> gasket,  but some copper ones may benefit
> we used this WURT 250 sealant in our engine shop for years and all-but
> eliminated warranty claims for leaking gaskets. A version called WURT 250
> RED is great on triumph gearboxes, and overdrives, again, zero leaks if
> applied correctly. For the very best result, every surface must be washed
> with thinners or acetone, and not touched by hands etc  thereafter. it has
> a limited shelf life of about a few weeks once opened , but we used tubes
> of it every week, so that was not an issue.
> i hope this might assist someone
> Terry
> (down under, but not quite as far "down" as geoff Byrne)
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