[Fot] Kastner Cup Shirt Payments

marty sukey trmarty at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 10 16:34:41 MDT 2020

No need to contact me on shirts. Ted advised me payments were stalled. I didn't want to call anybody out as I figured people just forgot. I just asked for first names from Ted, don't know who paid and who didn't. Any question please contact Ted direct. Now if you need a big paddock spot, that you can contact me about, probably closing that subject the end of this week.


From: marty sukey <trmarty at hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 4:20 PM
To: FOT <fot at autox.team.net>
Subject: Kastner Cup Shirt Payments

Ok folks if your name sounds like Richard, Alex, Dave, Mark, Wray, Bryan, Geoff, Rob, Brad, Jay, Chris, Mark, Ken, Neil, Tony, Mark, and Randall;  you ordered Kastner Cup shirts a while ago and probably forgot about it. Please contact Ted at the number below and do what ya gotta do.



Ted Schumacher
tedtsimx at bright.net
103 E. Main St.
Pandora, Ohio, USA 45877
Fax: 419.384.3272 (24 Hrs.)
Phone: 800.543.6648 (US & Canada)
Tech/ Gen. Information/ Worldwide: 419.384.3022

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