[Fot] Fwd: Swamp Cooler

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Fri Jun 19 10:30:24 MDT 2020

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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Swamp Cooler
Date: 	Fri, 19 Jun 2020 10:19:07 -0600
From: 	Bud Rolofson <levilevi at comcast.net>


I’ve had some inquires about the swamp cooler on my TR6 I mentioned in 
another post so here’s the details.

This only works if you have a scuttle vent that has a pop open lid not 
the scuttle vent with a plastic grill. 69 through some 72 TR6s had the 
pop open lid.

I ran plastic "fish tank" tubing off the windshield wiper fluid 
reservoir (use distilled water) drilled a small hole in the side of the 
plenum and connected it to a tiny copper tube (from the hobby store) 
with a dozen tiny holes drilled into it, cap it on the end with a 
silicone cap. That tube is wrapped with some porous material and held to 
the tube by using some magnetic clips from Harbor Freight. The magnets 
hold the assembly to the bottom of the scuttle lid. Tuck the material 
down the plenum so air flows through and not around it. I press the 
washer switch for about 6-8 seconds and before long cool air comes out 
any or all the round vents or out over the tran tunnel or where ever you 
set your controls for air flow. It only works when moving of course but 
today I had cool air coming out nicely on my feet and the upper round 
vents on my body. With the tonneau cover on and covering the passenger 
seat the cool air was all directed on me. It was 92 today and I drove 
around for a couple hours and the reservoir still was 1/3 full.

You lose having washer fluid for the windshield but I never used mine 
that I can remember. I'd rather have cool air.
Plus everything is reversible to stock except for the small hole to the 
plenum. But I'm never going back. The lid still works as it should and 
nothing is visible when it's shut.

Bud Rolofson

Extreme Parts Racing (more than just a haircut)

71TR6 CC57365 (Good 6)
71 Spitfire MK IV Race Car #3
69 Spitfire MK III (back up FE engine/dinghy car)
93 Minnie Winnie Race Support Vehicle 77 Z-50A Hardly Davidson Honda 
Mini-Trail Bike (Triumph Pit Bike)

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