[Fot] More on my TR-2/3 Starter Question

Randall TR3driver at ca.rr.com
Tue Oct 22 15:42:52 MDT 2019

Jack, my apologies if I misunderstood your last email.  I thought you were
still trying to get the pinion & barrel off.

IIRC, on my starter, you have to push the "nut" towards the armature, and
pry out a clip that is normally trapped between it and a groove in the

-- Randall 
56 TR3 TS13571L once and future daily driver
71 Stag LE1473 - awaiting engine rebuild
71-2-3 Stag - awaiting gearbox rebuild 

> Attached is a picture of a page from the workshop manual 
> dealing with the TR-2/3 starter drive unit.  I refer you to 
> the section titled "Starter  motor drive".  I have completed 
> items shown as number 1 and number 2.  Item 3 talks about a 
> "peg", which my starter does not have.  In this case, it says 
> to "Hold the squared end of the starter shaft and unscrew the 
> locating nut F".  However, holding the shaft, the locating 
> nut just turns on the shaft, and nothing happens.  Does 
> anyone have any experience with disassembling this portion of 
> the starter drive assembly?  If so, I would appreciate any 
> help you can give me to get this thing apart.  Thanks.

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