[Fot] TR4A front suspension.

Van Mulders Marcel van.mulders.marcel at telenet.be
Sun Mar 8 15:35:57 MDT 2015

In June 2014 I bought Bob Kramer's TR4A racecar after I crashed my TR3 at
the Zandvoort circuit (The Netherlands). It's a great car and it will get
better. Of my TR3, I only kept the engine and overdrive dogbox  Overhauling
the front suspension, I found that the lower trunnion was moving on the bolt
instead of the bushed lower wishbones : the distance pieces in the wishbones
where shorter than original, so the trunnion was not clamped by these
distance pieces when fastening the bolt. Correcting this, the upright has
less play now, only a little in the trunnion, and this upright with
balljoint can't be forced anymore between the outer ends of the upper
wihbones, the balljoint is 1/2" too far to the rear. Turning the upper
wishbones to the rear (by moving the fulcrum pin) isn't a good option,
because binding will occur. I've drilled new holes for the brackets for the
inner ends of the lower wishbones : the suspension is moving without any
binding now but I don't know if I will leave it like that. I wonder if
something is wrong with the uprights? (less than 3° caster?) If I measure
the caster, I find 2.2° on both sides, but probably that isn't proving
anything. The chassis is as new, no damage. Any idea's someone?
Another question : trying to get at zero bump steer, the best I get at by
moving the steering rack is a J : the wheels are toeing in when lowered more
than 3 cm below ride height (minimal to 5cm, then more and more toe in).
Bending the steering arms to the outside, almost touching the brake disks
now, has straightened the J a little.  Is it possible to eliminate the bump
steer completely, or have we(TR4A-TR6) to accept some bump steer in the
least important part of the suspension travel?
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