[Fot] Fw: Best spectator vintage event

Jack Wheeler jwheeler1947 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 3 07:44:32 MDT 2015

And Denny Wilson was no slouch!  I raced my TR-4 in the Midwest Division, when Denny was racing his TR-6.  Fortunately, we were in different classes.  One of the highlights of his career was chasing Doc Bundy in the factory Porsche at The Runoffs in the rain.  The TR-6 would go through the corners going sideways in the rain, trying to catch Bundy.  Finally, on the last lap, the TR-6 motor went up in a huge cloud of smoke going up the hill at turn 1 at Atlanta.  He was right on Bundy's tail at the moment.  Some great racing.
      From: John Hasty via Fot <fot at autox.team.net>
 To: davehogye <dlhogye at comcast.net> 
Cc: Friends of Triumph <fot at autox.team.net> 
 Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 7:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [Fot] Fw: Best spectator vintage event
Yes! I especially like the one of you beating Denny Wilson's hot Lotus 7!

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2015, at 7:43 PM, "davehogye via Fot" <fot at autox.team.net<mailto:fot at autox.team.net>> wrote:

Hello Dick,
Thanks for sharing this story with photos.  Wonderful!
I enjoy watching your YouTube videos of you driving the heck out of your TR4.  Obviously you still have the skills of a champion.

Dave H.

From: "Dick Stockton via Fot" <fot at autox.team.net<mailto:fot at autox.team.net>>
To: fot at autox.team.net<mailto:fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 4:02:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Fot] Fw: Best spectator vintage event

Thanks, Jack. Hope to see you at Summit.

The Ferrari TRC  (2.0L Testarossa) was owned by George Siomko. He bought it for dirt cheap off a fellow named Genetti - I think it ran Sebring in '56 or '57. Ray Heppenstall and I went to Connecticut to pick it up for George and it sat in the loft of my shop. George would practice the car and Ray and I would split the racing duties. We didn't do anything to the car other than wash it and ran it 4-6x a year. It was pretty fast for what it was, not the fastest car, but it was an old race car by then.  When I was moving to my new shop in '65, George wanted to sell me the car for $600, but I didn't have any money for it at the time. He sold it to a fellow named Hap Smallback and he did hillclimbs with it.

Here is a picture of it at Marlboro: https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/l/t31.0-8/858493_472776049437033_1033863366_o.jpg

Bob Tullius and I entered the Glen 500 in '65 in my car and we took the victory in the class and 7th overall. I have the trophy somewhere.

The Cobra was an original '260 car (CSX2009) with worm gear steering. It was upgraded to a 289 car by the time I got it from Gene Fisher. I did pretty well with it and did a lot of development work on it. We found 30bhp by redesigning the exhaust and replacing the side pipes. I had Air Flow Research (AFR) do the heads and worked with Harvey Crane on a camshaft. It made about 350bhp. The carburetor and intake were the real restriction. You could measure the bump steer in inches and had to drive it sideways. I was '69 and '70 NE BP Champion, set lap records, and finished 2nd at the ARRC in 1970 to Allen Barker's newer '69 Corvette. At the 1969 ARRC at Daytona, I blew my main motor in practice and we used a Holman Moody motor which was down on power. Started from the back and finished 7th. The car was wrecked at Watkins Glen after I sold it in 1970, but was subsequently restored to FIA spec and auctioned a few years ago.

Here is a picture of it then: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t1.0-9/561553_473084832739488_1428024572_n.jpg?oh=003e71767b0482bbc0d1ecb12d7bb137&oe=55A5514F&__gda__=1438488763_aa815ffae3290645f9f89a0e53284b67



and now:

I know Janet from the IMSA Baby Grand / RS races as we both ran Toyota's.


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