[Fot] PAECO engines

Michael Porter mdporter at dfn.com
Mon May 13 17:26:11 MDT 2013

On 5/13/2013 4:59 PM, Rocky Entriken wrote:
> Yes, to my eternal dismay. Many years ago I *finally* saved up enough 
> money to by a "Real Race Engine." and got it from PAECO -- knowing no 
> better at the time. It was a boat anchor I had to live with for years 
> as it was that long (a divorce intervening) before I could afford 
> another.

This is the kind of guy that builds his shop in steel, knowing that one 
day, someone's going to try to burn it down. Thank goodness when I was 
young and stupid, I had no money at all.  Otherwise, I, too, might have 
made the same mistake.  Somewhere, I still have one of his catalogs from 
the mid-`70s or so.



Michael Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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