[Fot] PAECO engines

Rocky Entriken rocky at spitfire4.com
Mon May 13 16:59:46 MDT 2013

Yes, to my eternal dismay. Many years ago I *finally* saved up enough money 
to by a "Real Race Engine." and got it from PAECO -- knowing no better at 
the time. It was a boat anchor I had to live with for years as it was that 
long (a divorce intervening) before I could afford another.

* The engine was for a Mk. 1 Spitfire. The front plate was from a TR4, which 
bolts right on. Key difference: the Spitfire front plate has the motor 
mounts, the TR4's doesn't! Had to disassemble the whole front end and 
reassemble it just to be able to put it in the car!.
* I asked for a stock pan because I already had a baffled pan. Good thing. 
When I took the stock pan off it was full of what looked like layers of 
dried oil residue.
* #1 lifter had a burr in the lifter hole that kept it from going up and 
down. The burr was discovered the first time we tried to drive the car and 
it broke the camshaft almost immediately.
* When I sent it back for repair I specifically told them about the burr. 
When it was returned the burr was still there!
* It was promised in three months. It was delivered in 18 months. When I 
tried to cancel the order they wouldn't let me -- they already had my money 
and refused to give it back.
* They pledged to stand behind their product, so of course they repaired it 
for free on warranty -- but I had to pay the expensive two-way truck 
* When they shipped it (at my expense) they rated the weight at 500 pounds, 
double what it really weighed. I had to sue the trucking company to get a 
refund of the shipping overpayment (I don't use that trucker any more 
* "Competition valve springs" were of such poor quality most inner springs 
broke. One piece worked its way down to the oil pump and broke that.
* It was supposed to be a "full race" 13:1 engine. When I had a trusted 
friend rebuild it some years later I asked him to measure the compression 
ratio -- it came out 10.67:1.

What thy lack in ethics they more than compensate for with incompetence. 
Cannot believe they're still in business! In nearly 45 years in this sport, 
I have never dealt with any other business that even comes remotely close to 
this one in its disdain for its customers or its own product.

--Rocky Entriken

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <SpiwakD at aol.com>
To: <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 8:26 AM
Subject: [Fot] PAECO engines

> Has anyone bought race engines from PAECO? Any comments about quality and
> performance?
> David Spiwak

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