[Fot] tattle tale

Jim Norlin norlinengineering at comcast.net
Fri Mar 8 11:21:40 MST 2013

I use a System One inline filter on the Spitfire in addition to the 
normal filter.  A few years back, I spun a bearing shortly after a 
rebuild.  I was concerned that there may have been some residual debris 
in one of the oil lines even though they were flushed thoroughly.  I 
installed a new oil cooler, but also wanted to make certain that there 
wasn't some debris left over from it's manufacturing.  I installed the 
System One just before the oil goes back into the engine.  I did catch 
some miniscule particles the first time or two I ran the engine.  It's 
been totally clean since then, but it is reassuring.

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