[Fot] F1, was Re: Frequencies for the weekend??

Duncan Charlton duncan.charlton54 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 11:34:31 MST 2012


I also had heard that.  Same story when they talked about moving the city
airport to Manor several decades ago.  I tried to imagine how much excavation
it would take to build the Roman road version of a runway out there on the
Blackland Prairie.  At the time I'd been flying an ultralight miniMAX out of
Bird's Nest airport, about a mile from the proposed municipal airport site,
where there was only about 300 feet of decent runway (out of 3200 feet), right
in the middle.

If you walked in black gumbo, maybe you also had to shovel it.  Very hard when
dry, but it would stick to your shovel when wet enough to dig.  You used your
boot to push it off the shovel, and then...


On Nov 19, 2012, at 11:55 AM, Joe Curry wrote:

> Duncan,
> According to the Speed Channel's program covering the building of the
> circuit, several tons of that soil were removed from the track area so that
> it could be replaced by a more stable substance in order to keep the track
> from sinking.  I can still remember walking through that stuff as a younger
> version of myself.  The further you walk, the taller you become.
> Cheers,
> Joe C.

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