[Fot] TR4 Valve spring - pressure, assembled height, suppliers

Greg Solow gregmogdoc at surfnetusa.com
Sat May 12 13:35:56 MDT 2012

Tony & TeriAnn,
    You may be right about the crack. But on a race engine especially, I 
like to have the center part of the crack pinned to.,  in theory at least, 
lock the front and rear parts of the lower surface of the head together and 
help prevent any relative movement between them. At least it makes me feel 
better to do this. If I were starting to prepare a head from scratch, I 
would look for one with no cracks anywhere.  The crack in the center of the 
bottom is invariably from severe overheating at sometime in the past. There 
is no telling exactly what other invisible damage there may be that could 
cause problems in the future. For  a street engine  this crack, if that is 
all the damage there is, should not cause any issues.

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