[Fot] Coolant routing, TR6 race engine

Charly Mitchel charly at mitchelplumbing.com
Mon Feb 7 08:59:37 MST 2011

Jamie, I'm not sure if you got your answer, but I do on my racecar run a 
pipe from the back of the head where the heater valve attaches to the water 
pump housing.  This will assure that you get adequate flow through the head.
Charly Mitchel
TR6 #44

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jamie Palmer" <tr6driver at yahoo.com>
To: "Friends of Triumph" <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 10:57 AM
Subject: [Fot] Coolant routing, TR6 race engine

> >From your resident ChumpCar team, we have the silly question of the 
> >day...
> We
> know we need to NOT run the hot water through the intake manifold while
> racing...right?  Isn't that just for cold weather driveability (not much 
> of a
> concern on the race car...)  So do we just block both ends, or is that 
> flow
> path
> crucial to engine cooling and we need to run a hose anyway?  Yes, we are
> running
> two stock strombergs, we don't have a choice...for now...
> Thanks for
> answering our series of silly questions.  We're reinstalling the
> engine
> (built with the finest used parts, apart from gaskets, seals and freeze
> plugs, that we can find...again, it's in the rules...) this weekend and
> figured
> we'd better get an answer...
> Thanks,
> Jamie Palmer
> Squadron Leader
> RiffRAF Racing
> 1975 TR6 ChumpCar
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