[Fot] Oversize lifter bore

George Harmuth harmug at us.ibm.com
Fri Feb 4 13:58:41 MST 2011

I have a spare racing engine, 1296, that broke two cams. I thought the
first one was a bad cam blank but when the second one broke in the same
spot, cylinder #3 intake, after 5 hours run time, we took a closer look at
the block. It appears that there's excessive wear in the block (hole is out
of round) and the (new) lifter is cocking enough to put excessive side
loading on the cam lob (radial fracture marks on the cam remains).

I don't have the exact measurements here, the mechanic does, but we were
discussing options. He was wondering if a sleeve could be used to get the
bore back in spec. I was wondering if anyone here has seen this and has
another solution. Is it possible to bore it out and use a larger lifter
from another series engine? Custom lifters?

Thanks in advance


63 Spitfire
HP and HRG1

G. Michael Harmuth

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