[Fot] Carrillo TR3-4 rods torquing

tr4racing at googlemail.com tr4racing at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 15 15:57:26 MDT 2011

My rods have ARP bolts and I torque them up with 45 (3/8"). I habe a table chart for each bolt and do measue each bolt after usage.
Non of the bolts were ever replaced as the bolt length did not change so far.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Scott janzen <sjanzen at me.com>
Sender: fot-bounces at autox.team.netDate: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 17:42:28 
To: Alexandre Camoletti<ac at camoletti.ch>
Cc: fot at autox.team.net<fot at autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Fot] Carrillo TR3-4 rods torquing

Carrillo told me they could be re-used 'infinitely' if they were not
over-torqued.  The only way to know if they have been is with a stretch gauge,

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 15, 2011, at 5:31 PM, Alexandre Camoletti <ac at camoletti.ch> wrote:

> Thank you Scott !
> Indeed the rods came with the Loctite heavy duty anti seize paste (which is
similar in feel to the Permatex anti-seize, but darker in colour) and not so
slippery (certainly less than oil and even more than ARPbs lube which is the
slipperiest stuff in circulation).
> I do not have a stretch gauge, but this would be ideal of course.
> In absence of gauge, Carrillo recommends torqueing to a max of 40lbs the 3/8
WMC (H11) bolts, such as the ones on TR4 rods.
> Does the torque of these bolts need to be checked from time to time?
> Can these bolts be reused/torqued several times?
> Thank you !
> Cheers
> Alex
> De : Scott Janzen [mailto:sjanzen at me.com]
> EnvoyC) : lundi 15 aoC;t 2011 23:23
> C : Alexandre Camoletti
> Cc : fot at autox.team.net
> Objet : Re: [Fot] Carrillo TR3-4 rods torquing
> These bolts are typically a much smaller cross-section, high strength
material relative to stock bolts (to keep the rotating weight down) and the
required torque is lower.  The bolts on the Carillo rods on my GT6 get only
about 25 lb of torque - probably smaller ones than on your TR4.  Read the
instructions carefully - Carrillo specifies what type of lubricant to use on
them at a certain torque (I think some sort of loctite).  I once used ARP
lube, thinking it was interchangeable.  The ARP lube is much more slippery and
the bolts were over-torqued.  You might try using a bolt stretch dial
indicator instead of tightening them to a torque setting.
> Why is this important?  Those fancy little bolts cost about $30 each if you
over-stretch one!
> On Aug 15, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Alexandre Camoletti wrote:
> Amici ! Currently building a TR3/4 engine with Carrillo rods.
> The set came with the stock Carrillo bolts (called by them WMC/H11) and the
> tech sheet says they must be torqued max 40lbs.
> While the stock rods and bolts usually are torqued at 60 lbs.
> So should I torque the Carrillos at 40 or 60 lbs then ?
> Amici, thank you for your very valuable input (as always)!
> Cheers
> Alex
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