[Fot] CRC part 1 of 2

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Thu Sep 10 17:14:19 MDT 2009

Just pulled into home this afternoon and have most of my stuff unloaded.

Had a great time at the CRC!  Seeing the weather forecast Friday 
night and Saturday morning I was looking at a washout.  "If you're 
planning to be out this weekend, Monday afternoon looks to be the 
best time."  Of course, the event ended early afternoon Monday.

However, the rain was off and on, we got in a fair amount of racing 
in the dry and generally the weather wasn't that bad...  I found that 
the new Speedsters that I mounted at the beginning of the weekend 
(got the old set almost down to the cords) worked pretty well in the wet.

Since I had never been to Portland International Raceway before I 
followed John James around in the rain for the first session on 
Saturday morning.  I found that was an excellent way to learn the 
track - low speed, plenty of time to look around.  It was raining 
hard enough to get my suit wet but not hard enough to make the track 
undriveable.  I eventually passed Jeff and started to push it a bit 
in the wet, figuring that I'd need to understand how far I could push 
it.  The 2nd session on Saturday was on a drying track, so I got to 
go a bit faster.  Since most of the field didn't go out in the first 
session, and each session after that was gridded as a race (with the 
grid position based on the finishing order of the prior race) I got 
to start fairly near the front.  Since the TR-3 / TR-4 normal group 
was oversubscribed we were moved to the group with the Corvettes and 
Mustangs.  They came out for this race, so mirror watching was pretty 
important.  Partway through the session, someone oiled down the 
corners at the end of the back straight all the way down the front 
straight.  I had a great dice with Bill Hart Jr. in the Devin TR, 
eventually passing him when he got a wheel in the oil and couldn't 
put down the power.  The Handicap race finished out the day.  I had a 
good run in this, and I believe that Triumphs took the top 6 
spots.  Lunker won it, Jeff Quick was right on his tail, I came in 
3rd with designs on both of them and Mordy FLEW by me right after the 
checkered flag waved.  I didn't even know he was there, I was so 
intent on the first two guys...  This race was entirely on a dry 
track, I think.

Bill and his family (with master chef Henry Frye) put on quite the 
shindig Saturday evening.  Bill Hart and I exchanged pleasantries 
regarding our earlier dice, and Bill and Tony Garmey were beating the 
front of the Peyote back into shape.  Seemed the FV driver who spun 
didn't keep his car locked down and shot back onto the track directly 
into Bill's path.  Grrr.

- Tony Drews

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