Bill Babcock Billb at bnj.com
Thu Sep 25 09:25:27 MDT 2008

That's a really fine piece of work, and it should probably be read on  
a yearly basis about the same time you get your physical.

I don't normally consider myself obsessed with death, but rather with  
living life well, and that includes a fair amount of risk. I have to  
rationalize that risk against all the other aspects of my life that I  
treasure. I believe that I race the way Burt describes. Unfortunately  
more than just a few friends of mine who are no longer with us also  
took those risks, and behaved well, as Burt describes. All are gone  
too soon, some forty years ago, some this year.

I lost two good friends this year, who were doing things I love to do  
in the way I love to do them. I think about them every day. I still do  
all the things I love, but I miss my friends.

On Sep 25, 2008, at 2:33 AM, fubog1 at aol.com wrote:

> Here is a link to an old article by Burt Levy on this very subject.
> I've posted it before, maybe it's time to re-visit it.
> Glen
> link to full text, kinda long-
> http://www.englishautosports.com/PureBS.html
> -----Original Message-----
> F

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