[Fot] Radiator for #197-Help!

JHOUATHOME at aol.com JHOUATHOME at aol.com
Tue Sep 23 20:46:43 MDT 2008

Hi Joe,
The radiator that I used for years in my TR4 was from ( I think) a 1967  
Mustang.  It was the "Heavy Duty Desert" radiator, and I am not certain  what 
other years it would fit.  The outlet and inlet were good, and I had  to make a 
couple of simple brackets.  As I recall it cost me $89.00 from  NAPA, and my TR 
never saw the far side of 190 degrees ever again.  Cheap,  simple, and very 
effective, it filled up the space quite well.  It cooled  so well that I never 
bothered to build any shrouding around it!
Good luck,
John Houlton
In a message dated 9/23/2008 8:25:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
N197TR4 at cs.com writes:

FOT List, 

I have always  used a stock TR3/TR4 radiator with great success. However, 
#197 came off of  the jack at the Glen and smushed the bottom tank.  (Yes, I have 
done this  before, as several folks pointed out in the paddock) 

I wonder if  anyone has ever found a domestic or offshore modern radiator 
that fit?  Fabicating brackets and bending tubes is not a big deal for me. Moving 
 around inlets and outlets is not desirable. I dont care about aluminum and  
stuff like that. Low cost is an objective. 

At Mid-Ohio, I think a  Mustang radiator found it's way into one of the 
Brit's TR6 (Chris Peche?)  It required a hole in the bonnet however. 



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