[Fot] Supplimental oil feed to head

Larry Young cartravel at pobox.com
Thu Sep 18 07:15:18 MDT 2008

If you don't have enough oil getting to the rocker assembly, I would 
look for the cause. The rocker assembly is at the end of the line, if 
you have worn bearings, the oil will bleed off before it gets there.  
I'd guess that cam bearings are the most likely culprit.  When replacing 
them, make sure all the holes are oriented correctly. If your motor is 
health, you should have copious amounts of oil coming out of the little 
holes in the rockers, even at a brisk idle.  I think the outside line is 
sometimes a band aid for a weak motor.
Larry Young

Greg & Alison Blake wrote:
> I have very good evidence that my head is lacking sufficient oil 
> supply.  The shaft on #1 rocker has gouges about 1/16" deep after 
> 35,000 miles.  Can one of you email me a picture of where you attached 
> a supplemental oil feed line to your head?  Has anyone ever tried 
> opening up that pathetic oil passage that the head/rocker pedestal 
> interface has.  Has anyone tried tapping the end cap of the rocker 
> shaft and connecting an oil line directly?
> Thanks,
> Greg
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