[Fot] The Hamilton Case

spyderweb at uwalumni.com spyderweb at uwalumni.com
Mon Sep 22 00:13:17 MDT 2008

Well Ladies and Gents, today is the day of the Hamilton/McLaren appeal  
hearing, with the decision to be announced on Tuesday.

Time to get your bets down on the outcome.

A few hints for the sophisticated punter:

    ~ Since the initial decision and the following uproar, the F.I.A.  
has issued a "clarification" of the rules, to the effect that:  
"Drivers have to wait until the next corner to overtake if they go  
ahead over a chicane." Does everyone remember the meaning of the Latin  
term "ex post facto"?

    ~ Sir Stirling has issued a statement to the effect that the  
decision to penalize Hamilton was "disgraceful" and "a load of crap",  
made by "clueless" stewards who "know they are wrong".

    ~ Asked for comment on the dispute and the upcoming hearing, FIA  
president Max Mosley said, "My immediate reaction was this [situation]  
is going to waste a great deal of everybody's time."

    ~ And don't forget that (allegedly) the race director twice  
advised McLaren by radio immediately after the incident that  
Hamilton's actions were proper and sufficient.

Wagers anyone? Keep in mind that the issue is how the APPEAL will come  
out -- NOT whether Hamilton's actions were proper under the rules  
(since the answer to that question is intuitively obvious to even the  
most casual observer  :-)

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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