[Fot] State of Vintage Racing

dos_gusanos at msn.com dos_gusanos at msn.com
Thu Oct 23 15:23:45 MDT 2008

I've really got no problem with the driving attitude that I've seen at any of
the vintage events I've ever been to.  There are always isolated events and
every time I've screwed up my car, I've screwed up my car, not someone else.
My thing is if we're going to race VW Rabbits, I'll go get one, but throwing
them out there with the vintage cars just goes against my sense of what's
right............................Henry Morrison> CC: dos_gusanos at msn.com;
jerrybarr at charter.net; sbarr at mccarty-law.com; fot at autox.team.net> From:
Billb at bnj.com> To: budscars at comcast.net> Subject: Re: [Fot] State of Vintage
Racing> Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 13:59:33 -0700> > Gee, Bud, I think maybe you
DID figure it out. I never thought about > it that way. I agree about the
catch 22. I know the main reason I want > good brakes is so I can go faster,
but not T-Boning someone else is > also part of the equation.> > On Oct 23,
2008, at 1:41 PM, RACER BUD wrote:> > > I think I have figured it out...but
have not found an answer that > > will not> > bang up cars....Having begun
SCCA racing in 1968 at 21 years old, and> > currently vintage racing at 61
years old.....> >> > Now about the driving....Well, It's a Catch-22....In
order to race > > our vintage> > cars the way we raced them when they were not
vintage, we have to > > drive to> > that slightly more aggressive edge(SCCA
Style)...That 'slight' edge > > is a HUGE> > difference...possibly described
by the feeling one gets in a vintage > > race when> > we pass inside, smoke
our tires, and say "Oh Oh", am i gonna get him > > in the> > door?..I know, at
that point, that I am overdriving for a vintage > > event, even> > though my
racing experience naturally wants me to drive at that > > level....> > What I
do to keep myself reined in is to remind myself that vintage > > is not> >
about agressive driving....This is very difficult for me to do, > > because
Truly> > Period Correct Racing would be very agressive...> > So there you have
it...It just won't work!....sometimes I feel like > > my little> > Spitfire is
stretching out it's bonnet like a race horse extends > > it's neck,,> > and is
saying "Please Racer Bud...will you please let me 'Kick It > > In, I know> >
We can do this'....In vintage events we just can't drive these old > > friends
of> > ours like they want to be driven..> > Racer Bud..Spitfire #21> > -----
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