[Fot] State of Vintage Racing

Bill Babcock Billb at bnj.com
Thu Oct 23 14:59:33 MDT 2008

Gee, Bud, I think maybe you DID figure it out. I never thought about  
it that way. I agree about the catch 22. I know the main reason I want  
good brakes is so I can go faster, but not T-Boning someone else is  
also part of the equation.

On Oct 23, 2008, at 1:41 PM, RACER BUD wrote:

> I think I have figured it out...but have not found an answer that  
> will not
> bang up cars....Having begun SCCA racing in 1968 at 21 years old, and
> currently vintage racing at 61 years old.....
> Now about the driving....Well, It's a Catch-22....In order to race  
> our vintage
> cars the way we raced them when they were not vintage, we have to  
> drive to
> that slightly more aggressive edge(SCCA Style)...That 'slight' edge  
> is a HUGE
> difference...possibly described by the feeling one gets in a vintage  
> race when
> we pass inside, smoke our tires, and say "Oh Oh", am i gonna get him  
> in the
> door?..I know, at that point, that I am overdriving for a vintage  
> event, even
> though my racing experience naturally wants me to drive at that  
> level....
> What I do to keep myself reined in is to remind myself that vintage  
> is not
> about agressive driving....This is very difficult for me to do,  
> because Truly
> Period Correct Racing would be very agressive...
> So there you have it...It just won't work!....sometimes I feel like  
> my little
> Spitfire is stretching out it's bonnet like a race horse extends  
> it's neck,,
> and is saying "Please Racer Bud...will you please let me 'Kick It  
> In, I know
> We can do this'....In vintage events we just can't drive these old  
> friends of
> ours like they want to be driven..
> Racer Bud..Spitfire #21
>  ----- Original Message -----

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