[Fot] crank scraper

Rob 19to1tr6 at comcast.net
Thu Aug 14 18:00:51 MDT 2008

The sandwich of material when adding a crank scraper and windage tray spacer
drops the oil pan (in my case) about 3/16 of an inch.  Should I be adjusting
the high  oil mark on the on the oil dip stick. Or is this move to small to
worry about ?
Robert Bentley's book states 8 pints to fill an empty sump and 9 pints if the
filter is changed out. I have an oil cooler etc. I have also had to change
the dip stick and its holder  tube in the block.  With the cooler and filter I
was in the range of 6 plus qts.
 Is it logical to take a new motor  with  out  the   filter on add the 8 pints
let the oil settle  this should give me the new bench mark needed on the dip
stick. Right ?? I believe most of  the additional oil for the cooler and spin
on filter never settles back to the sump.                thanks for the help

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