[Fot] Christmas surprise

tom strange tstrange at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 25 11:35:09 MST 2007

AH HAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So, thats why mine printed twice when I sent it to the printer ...  patten #4 on the dash & told her I'd get her a new engine before spring ... she just purred ...

Bill Babcock <BillB at bnj.com> wrote:
  I tried to print it, but my inkjet caught fire and is now serving as a smelly
replacement for the yule log. Then I tried to pat Peyote and laid my finger
open on a new aluminum panel that I forgot to deburr. I don't think Peyote
responds well to patting. Back to the egg nog.

Note to self--doubling the amount of rum is not a good idea. No one else will
drink it, and I don't like to see it go to waste... I'm not going to be able
to go for a post-prandial drive, Diane has hidden all the keys.

Merry, merry.

-----Original Message-----
From: fot-bounces+billb=bnj.com at autox.team.net on behalf of Kas Kastner
Sent: Tue 12/25/2007 8:03 AM
To: fot at autox.team.net
Subject: [Fot] Christmas surprise

Okay, so it is not deep snow , but instead brilliant sunshine but Santa still
comes this way as his new sled has wheels for certain parts of the country.

.......a Merry Christmas to all and remember to pat your TR on this day. As a
surprise, I have a small gift for everyone who races:

This message when dissolved in 105 octane gasoline is worth 11 horsepower and
another 400 rpm in top gear. Do not destroy or attempt to sell as it only
applies to the original owner. ( the racing elves keep close accounting)

I suggest saving this assistance until a time of real need in 2008.
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#4 white spitfire

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