[Fot] Christmas surprise -It really works!

Greg - Lunker Hilyer lunkercars at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 25 15:31:25 MST 2007

WOW! Does this stuff work! Printed the message and just couldn't help  
myself... Had to try a bit. Put 2 periods and a parenthesis in my  
snowmobile and went for a ride. What fun!! Seat of the snow pants  
says the extra power is there on demand. Ran out of guts before I ran  
out of straightaway to test the top end but I'm a believer. Passed  
some old codger out on the trail who's sled had apparently broken  
down - he was wearing the funniest snowmobile suit I've ever seen  
[all red with ridiculous white fur]  and being towed by a bunch of  
quadrupeds one of which had a red flashing light [New Mexico law says  
that any vehicle being towed must display at least one flashing light].
Anyway, as I came up behind him, he looked over his right shoulder as  
I passed him on the left. At that point I was going so fast I don't  
think he ever saw me!!
Great stuff Kas, I'll save the rest and use only when absolutely  
All the best to you, yours and all the FoT who make this list what it  
Greg "Lunker" Hilyer
TR4 #314
Albuquerque NM

P.S. Going out now to give the Plum Pi a pat on the fender.

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