[Fot] Weber DGV Jet recommendations - 1500 spitfire

Joe Curry spitlist at cox.net
Fri Aug 24 08:20:45 MDT 2007

Good Point (about the rules, that is).  The DGV has similar issues with runner
length as does the single DCOE.  You might find that because of the much
better design of the stock intake manifold that the single ZS carb is much
better for the application.  Judging by what KAZ was able to accomplish using
two 1.25" SU's I would say that it is very likely that you can get the ZS to
work as well if not better than the DGV.

It is much simpler and you certainly won't have to buy a ton of brass parts to
tune it.

Do they allow the Europen twin SU setup?

Joe C.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: fpspitfire at insightbb.com
  To: Joe Curry
  Cc: 'Mark J. Bradakis' ; fot at autox.team.net
  Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 2:49 AM
  Subject: Re: [Fot] Weber DGV Jet recommendations - 1500 spitfire

  I'm fully aware that this situation isn't great and I'm fully aware of the
benefits of dual and single sidedraught carbs.  While it's great to say just
put a sidedraught weber on...I have to work within the rule structure of the
SCCA Limited Prep engine rules..

  Currently that rule is:
  1.5" Unmodified Stromberg or a 32/36DGV on an adaptor.  What we are
currently finding on the dyno is that the 32/36 is an improvement over the
Stromberg, it just needs to be tuned more and I really don't want to buy 50
jets/air correctors to tune it.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Joe Curry <spitlist at cox.net>
  Date: Thursday, August 23, 2007 23:48
  Subject: Re: [Fot] Weber DGV Jet recommendations - 1500 spitfire
  To: "'Mark J. Bradakis'" <mark at bradakis.com>, fot at autox.team.net

  > Let me add to mark's comment.
  > Since the head design of the 8 port head is vastly different
  > from the design
  > of the Weber DCOE side draft, It is much more efficient to have
  > a dual Weber
  > DCOE setup so that the manifold runners will be more equal in length.
  > With a single side draft, the outside two runners are longer
  > than the inside
  > two and it is therefore difficult to balance the cylinders with
  > a single
  > carb.
  > Joe C.
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: fot-bounces+spitlist=cox.net at autox.team.net
  > [mailto:fot-bounces+spitlist=cox.net at autox.team.net] On Behalf
  > Of Mark J.
  > Bradakis
  > Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:03 PM
  > To: fot at autox.team.net
  > Subject: Re: [Fot] Weber DGV Jet recommendations - 1500 spitfire
  > >I have a Weber DGV on my Spitfire 1500.  ...
  > >
  > >Anyone have any suggestions?
  > >
  > >
  > My suggestion is to toss that downdraft and its associated convoluted
  > manifold and put in a real sidedraft carb!
  > Sorry, couldn't resist.  I've been going through Spitfire
  > withdrawals,I really need to get one back on the road for the
  > upcoming fall season
  > here in the mountains of Utah.
  > mjb.
  > spitlist at cox.net
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