[Fot] Weber DGV Jet recommendations - 1500 spitfire

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Fri Aug 24 07:42:57 MDT 2007


Since you put it "that way" (limited  by rules)...

Seeing that you have a DGV, I don't think you should need to buy 50 jets. 
You should do a plug cut with what you have and then go two sizes richer / 
leaner with the mains if you're off. If those go the other way (too rich 
or too lean), back off one size on your mains.

That's pretty standard Weber tuning.

I don't know squat about DGV's, so I can't help you on basic numbers, but 
the Des Hammil Weber book has some charts that seem to be very good 
starting points.

The jets that you have sound reasonable for a 1500.

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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