[Fot] Brake PDWA block

Robert Lang lang at isis.mit.edu
Wed Aug 22 12:50:58 MDT 2007


If the front left is locking up, you either have a problem with the right 
caliper or there's a problem with the hydraulics going to the front right, 
e.g. you're not getting the same hydraulic pressure on both sides.

There could also be a suspension problem that results in no or less weight 
transfer to the front left - and the wheel would lock because it's not 
loaded, but that would  or should also result in very strange handling.

Another possible problem would be a warped or cracked front left rotor, 
but this should also result in pulses in the brake pedal.

I seriously doubt that the PDWA could cause one side of the car to lock 
before the other. If you look at the circuit, it's M/C to PDWA and then 
PDWA to either the front or the rear. There's nothing there to effect 
side-to-side haydraulics.

I'd verify that both right front caliper pistons move and then go from 

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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