[Fot] Those bare metal Triumph accelerators

R. John Lye rjl at gt-classics.com
Sat Aug 11 19:03:22 MDT 2007

At 12:01 PM 8/11/2007, jim hearn wrote:
>Has anybody successfully addressed those bare metal Triumph accelerators?  I
>was thinking of gluing on to the face of the accelerator some rubber or
>maybe some abrasive cloth.  I thought I would see if anyone had come up with
>a good match here.  Jim in Sacramento

Not a Triumph accelerator, but my Formula Ford has a small piece
of the stuff they put on skateboard decks.  Works well to give you
some grip.  One piece costs about $25, as I recall, but will last you
a lifetime.

R. John Lye

rjl6n at cstone.net 

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