[Fot] Monterey Historics - After thoughts of a Spectator

Group44TR7 at aol.com Group44TR7 at aol.com
Wed Aug 22 06:57:00 MDT 2007

The family favorite was the replica of the fabulous  Hudson Hornet - which I 
think was there only as a paddock exhibit. It turns  out the car was used for 
sounds and illustration purposes in  the production of the movie "Cars". Owner 
was wonderful with our children  - we have pictures of all three children in 
the driver seat. 
   One does not go the Monterey Historics with an  expectation of seeing more 
than a token number, if any, Triumph race  cars. My hat is off to the owner 
of the replica TR2 racecar on a great  presentation. However, it struck me as 
rather ironic that the only Triumph  bodied car accepted was that nicely 
prepared and presented replica  of a famous TR2 racecar when there are a great 
selection of  existing Triumph race cars with significant American racing 
    Overall, another great job by General Racing to put  together a diverse 
and interesting array of cars. The spectator  friendly layout of the paddock 
was especially appreciated after the going on a  warm hiking expedition at Road 
America; plus each car had an explanation of its  specifications and history. 
Add to that the Monterey aquarium, swimming pool,  sandy beaches, etc. and you 
have kids who want to go again next year. Since my  children do not like 
Brats; it will be sometime before I am going to even  mention the possibility of 
another RA trip. 
    Best wishes to all 

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