[Roadsters] Battery Question

dave dave at ranteer.com
Mon Jul 22 10:15:38 MDT 2019

I have been using the battery from an 89 Miata.  It’s a bit smaller in all
dimensions, and much more importantly, a lot lighter.  Yes, I’m getting
older and those things are heavy!!!  I’ve got them in several old
sportscars, including the roadster, and they work just fine.


From: Datsun-roadsters <datsun-roadsters-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf
Of Jerry Krakauer via Datsun-roadsters
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 9:59 AM
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Subject: [Roadsters] Battery Question


After many years I’m planning to crank up ole 99 this summer, my 67 ½ Solex
SRL. I remember the original battery was a group 24C, which is no longer
available. The measurements on the current group 24 and 24F are quite close,
and both Odyssey and Optima offer a group 34 that is also close, but not as
high. I’d like to still use the original hold downs that I have.
Recommendations on what you guys are using?




Jerry Krakauer

SRL311 00099

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