[Roadsters] alt bolt sheared

O'Farrell, Fergus P (AS) Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com
Sat Apr 19 19:07:16 MDT 2014

If by "top thread" you mean there is some exposed, then you might be lucky
enough to be able to grind a set of flats on the exposed bolt, and twist it

If not, you'll have to center drill it and use an EZ-Out (bit of a misnomer

If you are moving to the passenger side, then I'd leave it...
When I went to the 55-amp GM alt (yes, ti is a bit big for the scale of the
rest of the engine compartment) my headlites went from yellow to white, and
lots of wiring gremlins went away.
There is a 280Z (?) alt that is more to scale, and is also internal regulated

Fergus O
69 2000

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