[Roadsters] Watkins Glen 2012
Fred Davidson
fred.davidson at diversia.ca
Mon Jul 30 07:33:24 MDT 2012
Hi Joe and Dave:
Good to see somebody step up to "plate"
As I am sure you know, this event was first organized in 1987 by Mike
Jennings from Toronto. I organized the event for about 6 years, and it has
changed little in that time, which is good or bad depending on your view.
Yes, the first Saturday evening gathering was in a cabin at Seneca Lodge,
but the "show and shine" was in the same parking area we use now.
For the "Show & Shine" I like the use of the parking area on Franklin Street
for the visible presence of the Datsuns on the busy street, but not keen on
the parking fees. The Watkins Glen Festival committee have been very
supportive of the roadsters over the years and probably were one of the
forces to have Datsun the Marque last year.
The move of the Saturday evening gathering location to Hazlitt Winery has
been a good move in my opinion. The Watkins Glen Datsun Roadster meet is
unlike most other Datsun meets as there are lots of interesting things to do
in the area, such as Vintage Racing at Watkins Glen International, Vintage
airplane museum, many winerys, the Corning Glass works etc so it is hard to
keep people together.
I would suggest similar event as in previous years this year and then at
the Saturday night gathering, either present some new activities to the
group for discussion or just have an open discussion about what people
I will be in Watkins Glen in 2012, as I have been for every year since 1987
with the same car, well probably 50 to 60 % of the car is the same.
Thanks for taking this on.
Fred Davidson
'69 Datsun 2000
From: Dave and Linda [mailto:daveandlindab at verizon.net]
Sent: July-29-12 10:38 PM
To: 'Ed - Team One Inspections'; datsit at hotmail.com; 'Dave and Pat Freed -
datsun'; patmc317 at yahoo.com; kearn5 at aol.com; alagams at juno.com;
ken.tomihiro at sympatico.ca; walteremiller at yahoo.com; mark at dealermats.com;
'George Hobers'; nathan at goodvision.com; jrusso07 at rochester.rr.com;
susan.tandy at bigpond.com; gcox at twcny.rr.com; jklingman at stny.rr.com;
rksmith46 at hotmail.com; slpainter1 at cox.net; brianrreynolds at yahoo.com;
fred.davidson at diversia.ca; charlieandannelee at gmail.com; mblind at comcast.net;
dkintner at roadrunner.com; dpscrib2 at gmail.com; keefercd at corning.com; 'Dave &
Dawn Peskey Nowodworski - Datsun'; brendawalker98 at yahoo.com;
vze2fhba at comcast.net; chalsted at comcast.net; nbmoyer at masoncci.com;
maplewoodlodging at yahoo.com; craigmaw at hotmail.com; alfa at golden.net;
sght at aol.com; adhundale at optonline.net; frank356 at aol.com; 'Al Boettcher -
datsun'; smlibanker at comcast.net; cour.jpeg at gmail.com; tedscott at hotmail.com;
paul8kathy at gmail.com; weslent at earthlink.net; carlos.santana23 at gmail.com;
'quiteironic'; williammr2 at gmail.com; jack43 at airadv.net; paulydpipr at aol.com;
aznharrison at gmail.com
Subject: Watkins Glen 2012
I was speaking with Joe Russo, and we both noticed as you may have, there
has been none of the usual Roadster events announced for the Glen this year.
After Elaine retired, no one to our knowledge has taken up the cause. I for
one, was very used to showing up and all this just happening, not
appreciating until last year the work involved when we helped only a little
Joe and I are more than willing to give some payback for the great events
Elaine has run and to the group who attends them. First things first, if
there is someone organizing, please let us know, and we will be happy to
help as you need, otherwise, we were talking about doing something similar
to Elaine's events, but a bit less formal, as we have 40 days to get it
together. Show and shine, maybe in a different location as the parking fees
were not popular with some, organized dinner looks like a picnic/BBQ, or we
could combine the show and shine with a lunch or dinner. Any and all
suggestions and help appreciated. This is an interim solution, as it may be
a good idea to discuss the future events at this year and come up with a
plan for 2013. Any volunteers for this year, please let us know,.
A basic "I'll be there" woulkd be good and, if you notice anyone is missing
from this list, please forward to them and have them reply so they get these
I'll get a Tshirt design in the next few days.
Joe Russo
Dave Brisco
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