[Roadsters] BRAKE DUST

Jonathan Longo jeep007jonathan at msn.com
Mon Apr 30 08:40:43 MDT 2012

In the USA it is illegal to contaminate used oil with asbestos . I work at an
auto parts store and we except used oil as a courtesy to our customers . Use
Brakeclean , It's not high pressure if you take the straw off the nozzle and
back off some , place a rag below the brake rotor or brake backing plate to
catch the drippings. Let the rag dry and Seal the rag in a ziplock bag and
take it to a hazardous wast disposal site .....call your local city hall and
they will assist you in locating one near you. Please, do NOT contaminate used
oil, it is hazardous enough without asbestos .... Don't kill your local parts
guys , you will need us next time and we are NOT recyclable.    Thank You,
Jonathan.     67 311 R-16 and 77 Nova 383 sb ...San Bernardino, California

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