[Roadsters] automatic transmission

Bob Winslade bubwin at mymts.net
Sun Apr 8 23:45:57 MDT 2012

I agree with you Mark.  I've not gotten either of my Roadsters going yet, 
and from the time I got the first one, my MS has progressed to where it 
would be preferred to have an automatic.  My Nissan Motorhome is a 5 speed, 
but don't know how long I'll be driving it, months, years?  Only time will 
tell.  I'm installing a KA24E and just about have the frame work done. 
Motor should be bolted in within a month, and for now a 5 speed.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Mark Dent
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 9:48 PM
To: Paul Courson
Cc: drone ; datsun roadsters
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] automatic transmission

My Dad had to give up driving his Roadster because leg issues mean he can't
drive a clutch anymore. An automatic roadster would be the only way he could
still enjoy one. Making fun of someone because they want an automatic is a
pretty lousy thing to do. The alternative is just not owning a roadster.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 8, 2012, at 10:07 PM, Paul Courson <cour.jpeg at gmail.com> wrote:

> And is there a way to get electric windows?  I want to be able to quickly
> roll them up with the top down once I get going. And those cute little
> backup cameras, where can we mount one of them?
> On Apr 8, 2012 10:17 AM, "Dana Scribner" <dscrib2 at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a sister who would love for me to put an automatic transmission
>> in a Roadster for her. She just can t master a standard. I told her I ll
>> catch
>> grief
>> but will ask, does anyone know of an automatic transmission that I might
>> able to attach to a 2L? Are there any inexpensive easy to do options out
>> there?
>> Dana SOwner of 1 too many Roadsters
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