[Roadsters] Starter click click click...

The Ken Pearce ken__pearce at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 22 00:41:09 MDT 2011

Well, I finally got the engine together and back in the car.  After turning it
over by hand a few times on the stand to make sure everything felt and sounded
correct I bolted everything on and put it back in the engine bay.  Once I had
oil in the engine and the battery hooked up, I turned it over a bit without
sparkplugs and it was smooth, turning over easy, sounded great (meaning I
didn't hear anything at all other than a smooth turning engine).  So I
continued to hook up the fuel system, spark plugs, cooling system, drive
shaft, etc etc etc...  And when I went to turn it over to try and start it,
"CLICK CLICK CLICK..."   sound of the solenoid and or starter trying to turn,
but it would not turn the engine over.  Easy, my battery was dead, it sat for
3 or 4 years without being charged, it's probably toast.  I put the charger on
it anyway for a while, still just the click click click...  So before running
off to buy a battery, I tried jumping it using my truck's battery.  Still only
click click click....   AHHHHHHHH!H!!!!!!  Really?  I get everything buttoned
up after spending torturous amounts of time under the car and now the starter
or solenoid needs replacing?  Ouch!    And we all know how much fun taking
those on and off can be.  :(

So, does anyone know of any tricks / tips to get a stuck starter or solenoid
going again?  I tried the gentle and not so gentle tapping with a hammer while
it was doing the click click click...  Nothing.

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