[Roadsters] Which radiator should I use

Gary and Cindy Ault aultgc at att.net
Wed Apr 13 21:58:41 MDT 2011


Gary's opinion:

A properly functioning factory radiator, combined with a 1600 or 2000 
roadster properly equipped with pre-emissions ignition parts and set to 
pre-emission specifications, will provide sufficient cooling under most all 
circumstances.  I believe it is generally less expensive to find and fix 
whatever underlying problem is causing the overheating than it is to start 
installing aftermarket parts.

I took my original car, a '66 1600/U20, through summer heat in the 
California and Arizona deserts without overheating back in the '70s.  In 
2008, I drove my (newly-purchased) '67-1/2 2000 through stop-and-go traffic 
in downtown LA in the summer heat, and it never went over 190F.

I think Nissan generally knew what they were doing.

I am sure the foregoing will spark plenty of controversy.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Kyle" <chuckkyle at me.com>
To: <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 9:11 PM
Subject: [Roadsters] Which radiator should I use

> Good evening,
> Okay, I have two radiators laying around the garage, well actually one is 
> in the car.  One is a Datsun Roadster 1600 Radiator 65 - 67 1/2 / 68 - 70, 
> based on pictures from Dean's website.  This is the one that is currently 
> in the car, I have no idea if it is a two or three core and don't know how 
> to tell.  The other is a Datsun Roadster 2000 Radiator 67 1/2 & 69 - 70 
> purchased from Rising Sun about 5 years ago.  It looks like one that was 
> just removed from a parted out vehicle, not a rebuilt or anything else.
> I have had overheating or running hot issues for a long time.  Would there 
> be any advantage to using the one for the 2000 vice the 1600?  I have been 
> reading older posts about having it recored at a local radiator shop, so 
> if I was to do this, which radiator should I use and put in the car?
> Thanks
> Chuck
> -- 
> V/r
> Chuck
> Chuck Kyle
> Hm 512-225-4501
> Address:
> 7441 Collins Meade Way
> Alexandria, VA 22315
> email:
> Work - charles.kyle at us.army.mil
> Home - chuckkyle at me.com
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