[Roadsters] Which radiator should I use

Charles Kyle chuckkyle at me.com
Wed Apr 13 20:11:50 MDT 2011

Good evening,

Okay, I have two radiators laying around the garage, well actually one is in the car.  One is a Datsun Roadster 1600 Radiator 65 - 67 1/2 / 68 - 70, based on pictures from Dean's website.  This is the one that is currently in the car, I have no idea if it is a two or three core and don't know how to tell.  The other is a Datsun Roadster 2000 Radiator 67 1/2 & 69 - 70 purchased from Rising Sun about 5 years ago.  It looks like one that was just removed from a parted out vehicle, not a rebuilt or anything else.

I have had overheating or running hot issues for a long time.  Would there be any advantage to using the one for the 2000 vice the 1600?  I have been reading older posts about having it recored at a local radiator shop, so if I was to do this, which radiator should I use and put in the car?






Chuck Kyle 
Hm 512-225-4501

7441 Collins Meade Way
Alexandria, VA 22315

Work - charles.kyle at us.army.mil
Home - chuckkyle at me.com

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