[Roadsters] the NEVER ENDING story and EI distributors

Steve Ehlers stevenehlers at charter.net
Sun Sep 13 19:56:24 MDT 2009

Hello Gordon ,Tim , Gary , Linda ,Stan , Garry B ,Dave B. and Fellow 
Datsun owners ,

 First off , I would like to make the Roadster Community aware of the 
fact that there are more people building specialty Datsun / Nissan 
distributors than what this Forum and others have advertised .This was 
previously pointed out by Stan Chernoff a while back .As Stan pointed 
out ,Boone mass marketed his Version for the Datsun Roadster thru the 
Internet ,the Forum lists ,and the Name brand Datsun Roadster Vendors 
.To his credit , he thought he invented this conversion ,as he 
approached me about buying his business in Nov 2007.
  So.... to set the story straight , I saw No need to purchase 
information that he made readily available on the Internet for free. I 
didn't need to pay for information
I already knew ,on how to Rebuild / Remanufacture Datsun Nissan 
Distributors ,as I have been doing this work and this particular 
conversion for over 20 years .
I started rebuilding Datsun Distributors and modifying them as far back 
as the mid 70's and as many others have done since .
  Nobody has used the Internet like Boone did ,to make it seem to the 
general viewing public, that he invented this conversion. Based on his 
statement to me , he had a self perceived patent and therefore monopoly 
, because of his claimed 270 + sales of the unit .

 I own the now Oldest ( 30 + years ) Datsun / Nissan Z car Specialty 
shop in the State of Texas . I have been very busy keeping up with all 
the Service ,Repair, Restoration and Race Preparation on my Z car 
Customer base ,not to mention all the other Datsun /Nissan /Infinti line 
ups as well .
  I do Repair / Restore our beloved Roadsters and have for over 35 years 
.As of late, due to the very limited number of cars locally and the 
parts availability ,we have been selective of what cars I will work with 
. I have done complete frame up Restorations and Race car prepped 
chassis' and engines over the years .I bought my first Roadster in 1974 
and still own it today .I do sell some NOS ,Remanufactured and Used 
parts as well .

 So if you want another option to buy a Quality Electronic Ignition 
Distributor ,backed by a 30 year old company that was formed to provide 
a better service to it's customers ,drop us a line . I custom build my 
units as per customer engine needs ,stock and custom advance curves , 
and we do "Plug and Play" MSD units also .
As Gordon clarified his comments , I'm not Discounting the Boone / 
Brisco adventure or Stan's rebuilt unit as not being Good units . I'm 
just wanting to make it clear that I offer another alternative to the 
Roadster Forum based community of parts offerings .

Best Regards ,
Steve Ehlers
Rising Sun Performance Inc.
7600 Benbrook Parkway Suite #2
Benbrook ,Texas 76126

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