[Roadsters] Thanks & Questions

peter harrison granvillecomputing at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 19 18:39:49 MST 2009

Thanks for all the input on my Maxima - turned out that it is the fuel
pressure sensor - whatever that is - anyhoo it is eing fixed - though there is
much more to do - just keeping it running until i get the bucks toget
something else - shame though - I have always liked the lines of the 86/87


Took the brakes apart - didn't think to mark left/riight inner/outer and
noticed that on TWO calipers there is a small somewhat rusty ball bearing in
one end


Should ALL calipers have such a ball bearing

Does it matter if they are a bit rusty - i.e. can i just clean them up

What size are they

Where could i find replacements


Peter (Eliza - TOAD SAN)

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