[Roadsters] Beating on an Engine

Pat Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com
Thu Sep 25 15:22:47 MDT 2008


It IS glued in place! There should be gasket sealer all around the cap 
to block, plus some actual seals too.

I'm not sure about the 3 bearing engine, but I seem to remember that 
there is a hole in the rear cap, right in the center. Take a look, it 
may be threaded. If not, try to find a rod that you can put into it and 
move it back and forth. Do not use anything to pry the cap out, 
everything in there is a machined surface.


Thusly spake Matthew Cox:
> Hey all!
> I'm trying to disassemble a spare 3-main 1600 engine and have everything off
> except the crank. I have the front and mid main caps off, but I can't get the
> rear cap to even budge (bolts are off, of course). Nothing. Not a single gap
> to get a screwdriver under, not a pounding on it with a rubber mallet, not
> tossing the whole lump across the garage. Nothing will get it to move. It's as
> if it is glued in place.
> Any ideas?
> Matthew in Phoenix
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Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems 
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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