[Roadsters] brake flushing

Tim tputland at charter.net
Mon Sep 15 04:37:14 MDT 2008

Has any one actually used the denatured alchohol to flush a system? Are they any concers, drawbacks, etc? 

What happens if not all the alchohol is removed from the lines? 


Belleville, WI.
Still clueless but always learning

---- Gary and Cindy Ault <aultgc at att.net> wrote: 

Just garden-variety denatured alcohol.  Label says it is "Shellac thinner, 
alcohol & chafing dish fuel, gas line antifreeze and windshield washer 
anti-moistre gasoline additive".

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <quinlanhook at comcast.net>
To: <aultgc at att.net>
Cc: <tputland at charter.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] brake flushing

> This is timely information>
> Since yesterday was a dry, droptop  type weather I climbed into my SPL 
> with the
> thought of tooling around town only to find out I had lost all the brake 
> peddle
> pressure as I backed out of the garage. SURPRISE !!  8-\
> Seems that I have a little bit of work and a lot of coin to drop into the
> bucket before it's on the road again.  Thanks for the information 
> regarding the
> best brake fluid to use and the flushing.
> One questions is what type of Alcohol do you use to fluse the system ??
> Thanks
>  Cam 

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