[Roadsters] Carb problems

Jim Gammon gtpjimgammon at yahoo.com
Sun May 18 10:19:30 MDT 2008

   Thanks to Dave, I got my jet centered up at the Datsun Brewery
   get-together. We had 9 cars, but not Little Red, she just would not

   So I get home, and put the carbs back in. Isn't that last nut on the
   front carb fun?

   She starts up and runs better, no doubt, but something is still not
   right. I cannot get her to run without the choke on, and she is just
   rough, not smooth. I check air flow, equal. I check timing, perfect. I
   pick up the front carb, and she speeds up. I pick up the back carb and
   she dies. I cover the front carb and she speeds up. I cover the back
   carb and she slows to an idle.

   Obviously these carbs are very different somehow....

   I check the mixture knobs, both 1 turn out. I try to set them better,
   I turn the back carb down to increase richness. No visible change. But
   with the choke on 1/4, who knows if this makes any sense? I go back to
   1 turn out.

   Then I check float level. Using Keith's method, the back carb seems
   fine, the level just covers the jet when th cloke is full on and the
   jet full down. But on the front one, the fuel doesn't come so high.

   I also notice the jets are at different levels. Both mixtre knows are
   out on turn from top, the choke is off with slack in the cables. The
   front jet sticks up about .050" and the back jet sticks up about .020"

   I don't know what to do about different height jets, but I look for
   "how to adjust float level", all the time cursing Apple, who
   supposedly rebuilt my carbs and fixed them to make them right..... Two
   things they did wrong - so far....

   But I find conflicking info. See

   This says the fuel level should be level with the jet to when the
   choke is OFF. Jeff (who obviousy knows the particulars on Datsun, says
   it should be just above the jet leve with the choke on.

   Still confused, anyone know which way to go, how to adjust the float

   Any ideas on how the jets are different heights?

   Jim New Jersey

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