[Roadsters] 240Z rear brake drums fit? (was "Re: A few questions")

ppeters914 at comcast.net ppeters914 at comcast.net
Tue Mar 11 13:03:00 MST 2008

I did a quick Search in the 311s.org forums on "240Z drum*". Found 11 matches, but this should answer your basic question:

"The Z drums will bolt right up with out any modifications using an adapter plate which contains the correct boss and counterbore on the backside. I'm going to get the pair of adapters machined on the lathe in the new year."

Here's a link to a drawing of the adapter:


Early roadsters had steel drums. To use the 240Z drums, you need to modify or replace the backing plates.

Pete "no running roadster, but quick with Search!"

> Second, does anyone know if the rear aluminum drums are the same as on an
> early 240Z?  Saw some on Craigslist and thought about picking them up.

> Thanks!
> Greg Burrows

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