[Roadsters] Rotisserie progress.

Graeme graemes at internode.on.net
Tue Oct 30 19:17:24 MST 2007

Hi folks,
for those who expressed an interest in building a Roadster Roisserie, I have
finally got it happening.
Centre of Gravity worked out very well, it doesn't seem to have any balances
issue at all!
Many thanks to those who gave me enough info. to guesstimate the pivot
Front pivot is 190mm from the bottom of the front apron, rear pivot is 100mm
from the bottom of the rear apron.
This is for a totally bare shell, no chassis, no rollbar, but with door
opening braces.
Anyhoo, I have posted some more pics. with captions at the site below, for
those who wish to know.
If anyone needs detailed measurements etc. let me know and I'll knock up
some CAD drawings for it.
I usually build something first then draw the plans afterwards ;)
One stabilising leg was shorter than the other so I'll swap them over and
that should give me 360deg rotation.
If it doesn't then I can still raise the vertical posts to achieve it.
50/50 chance and I chose wrong!

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