[Roadsters] Tough to start?

Chris & Christy Breyer fairlady66 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 14:31:05 MDT 2007

I was thinking about the heat blanket idea, but then I was taught
differently.  The heat blanket being wrapped around the starter will hold
the heat in as well.  An aluminum shield will block some of the heat and
will allow a flow of air around it to the starter as well.

On 10/7/07, Matthew A. Smith <matthews517 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I've had similar hesitation issues with Loreli occasionally. It seems that
> some others have too. She will turn over and will start after a long
> drive,
> but she strains at first. The prior owner installed a heat blanket around
> the starter. Maybe that helps some.
> She is a daily driver. She's my only car so she's a grocery getter,
> pleasure
> driver, stress reliever, CONVERSATION STARTER, female attracter
> (Especially
> when my hound dog Tater is in the passenger seat), and twisty road
> straightener! :-) Fortunately, it snows VERY rarely here in Chattanooga,
> TN.
> When it does, we stay home. They do salt the roads occasionally during the
> winter and I won't subject her to THAT particular abuse!
> Here's to more warm days!
> Matt Smith
> (and Loreli - She's a '70 Silver Solex)
> Subject: [Roadsters] Tough to start?
> Isn't it wild to realize that these little cars used to be daily drivers
> and
> more? And still are for some! I think Loreli for one is a daily driver if
> memory serves...
> Anyway, after running today, coming home then going back out a short time
> later, my 70 1600 hesitated--almost a catch and then a pause-- when I went
> to start her. She did start but this hesitation is new. Usually she fires
> right up and idles pretty smooth when warm.
> Tim
> Belleville, WI.
> Still clueless but always learning
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'66 1600
Riverside, CA
This is my second Fairlday...I'm married to the first one.

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