[Roadsters] XCountry Update - November 26 - Washington DC

Pat Horne roadsters at hornesystemstx.com
Tue Nov 27 07:30:22 MST 2007

Thusly spake peter harrison:

Hey, man, this is the SOUTH! Everything is supposed to go slower here! 
Relax and have a great trip back.
> Interestingly
> enough (at least to me) I am getting a 'let's get it over with' sensation.
> I've done what I set out to do so that's that. Something no doubt about
> avoiding the opportunity to be disappointed. A weird sensation and one that I
> am just going to be with until I figure it out. So, I am trying to reframe
> since I don't want to RUSH back through the south, still have people to visit
> and sights to see. 
Several times I've been a line of cars, all going the same speed (over 
the limit) and had cops pull me out of line and give we a warning 
ticket. All the time checking out the Roadster. Never gotten a ticket 
though, but I generally keep my speed at or below the limit so I can 
check out the views.

> Not that I am tempting the gods but I don't quite see how
> people get speeding tickets - everyone is hammering away at least 15 mph over
> the limit - maybe the cops just play 'eenie, meenie, miny YOU!!!' So, off to
> breakfast and Strasb(e/u)rgPeter1970 SPL Roadster TOAD SAN (Eliza)
> ________________________________________
Hope to see you in Texas.


Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems 
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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