[Roadsters] Evil-L - What to do?

Nathaniel Leeds nmleeds at mindspring.com
Tue Nov 20 07:27:28 MST 2007


Thanks for helping me trouble shoot my U20 death-rattle. Someone, I'm not
naming names, put in the tensioner gasket upside down, completely blocking
the oil hole.

Fortunately I caught the problem before the rattling chain tore off the
evil-l. But not before it took some chunks of metal out of it and bent it
about 30-degrees from 12 o'clock.  Now the question, what to do?

Do I:

1) Bend old evil back into place.
2) Saw it off.
3) Buy a new one.
4) Assume that now that I've fixed my chain tension problem that the bracket
will stay where it is.

Nathaniel Leeds
U20 - '69

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