[Roadsters] Eject button

chalsted chalsted at comcast.net
Wed Dec 19 18:08:40 MST 2007

my mom, dad, and sister would have all likely died in car crashes in the mid 
sixties if it weren't for wearing seatbelts...common denominator- my mom was 
driving... dad's door ripped off the car as it slid along the ground on it's 
side and he would have been pulled out and crushed without a seatbelt. 
fractured 2 vertebra and had a bunch of lacerations but lived...mother and 
sister were doing 70 in Michigan back when that was the speed limit in our 
'66 Fury wagon, were rear-ended by a drunk doing an estimated 130 plus- shot 
them forward knocking out over 150 ft of guardrail and then they rolled 
until they came to the bottom of the embankment- another 100 ft plus. both 
had a black eye (we kidded them about doing a Tarryton cigarette commercial) 
whiplash and swelling in their ankles,  but otherwise ok. passenger in the 
car the drunk was driving (it was her car, he'd met her that night) went 
thru the windshield and skidded along the road on her face....obviously not 
wearing a seatbelt...guy who was drunk but wearing his seatbelt was released 
on his own recognizance the next morning and disappeared, was never located. 
I'm a firm believer in seatbelts...and I always wear a helmet when riding a 
motorcycle or quad, always. wrecked a Goldwing once when someone stepped out 
in front of me and it was hit them or run into a parked car...got a serious 
scrape down the back of the helmet and on off the shoulder of my leather 
jacket from jumping over the car and doing a tuck and roll, but I walked 
away... had to bail from a quad a couple years ago when I caught a root in a 
trail cut into the side of a hill and it sent me airborne in a barrel roll- 
landed about 20' out and 10' down from where I left the trail, broke my 
collarbone into 4 pieces but no head trauma because I had a helmet on. quad 
came to rest on top of me after landing and rolling, but if I hadn't bailed 
it would have hit the ground upside down with me squished underneath. doubt 
I would have survived that even with the helmet. fwiw....


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